Make It Music: Dalcroze Strategies for Every Classroom
What makes music come alive for you? What transforms a technically correct performance into one that is vibrant, expressive, and meaningful? Music teachers have explored these questions for years, and many have found answers in the tradition of Dalcroze Eurhythmics. To share their passion for this method, practitioners Stephen and Anthony created Make It Music, an innovative resource designed to bring Dalcroze-inspired strategies into every classroom. Recognizing the challenges of explaining Dalcroze principles in a book, they developed a creative solution: four unique card decks that allow teachers to create over 125,000 activities. The starter cards suggest initial activities with physical gestures or group movement, while the Make It Music cards help transform these exercises into musical experiences. Challenge cards extend and evolve activities, encouraging creativity and courage, and teaching artist cards guide teachers toward reflective practice. No prior experience with Dalcroze? No problem—these tools are designed for all classrooms and include a comprehensive book and online resources. Make It Music offers an easy and engaging way to incorporate Dalcroze principles into teaching while fostering a lively and responsive classroom environment.